SGP Lumen | SZA Nolte GmbH & Co. KG
Reporting office for indications of violations of the law and malpractice within the company
Nolte attaches great importance to the compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and self-imposed compliance principles in its own conduct and corporate decisions and actions in Germany and abroad. Our goal is to exclude any risks that could jeopardize our integrity and could harm our company, our employees as well as business partners or customers. In order to fulfill our responsibility, it is therefore important that we become aware of compliance violations.
For this purpose, Nolte offers all employees and external third parties the opportunity to report any violations of the law and grievances to Nolte. If desired, this can also be done completely anonymously. All incoming reports are immediately checked. Suspected cases are examined and violations are investigated.
To report immediate danger to life and limb, in case of doubt please contact the responsible emergency services by telephone. Furthermore, please refrain from submitting customer inquiries or complaints about Nolte products via this portal and contact your dealer directly instead in this case. Finally, please note that deliberately false information may result in criminal and labor law consequences for you and any third parties.
Hinweise können über die folgenden Meldekanäle abgegeben werden
+49 69 976-960-1260
The hotline can be reached at any time. Reports can be submitted in German and English.
SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz
Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH,
Dr. Cäcilie Lüneborg, Rechtsanwältin,
Dr. Stephan Brandes, Rechtsanwalt,
Taunusanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt
Digitales Hinweisgebersystem (SGP Lumen)
SGP Lumen ist ein Produkt von: